Epilators are electrical tools that are mainly used by women to remove hairs at the root or follicle level. They are actually equivalent to electronic tweezers that are used to get rid of unwanted hair from the legs, arms, underarms, face or the bikini area.
Epilators basically work by plucking away hairs from the roots but are virtually painless after many times of use. They work in the same way as waxing or using tweezers. In this article we will show you things you should know about epilators.
How It Works: Things You Should Know About Epilators
The epilator is powered by batteries or electricity. Its electric motor is the one that runs the tweezers and make them rotate really fast. The fast rotation consists of various movements like opening and closing sequences in order to catch, remove and pull out multiple hairs at the same time.
It is similar to waxing but instead of the application of sticky wax on your skin, you remove hairs from the root through the action of tweezers. With epilators you are guaranteed two weeks to four weeks of smooth skin. The first time you use an epilator it may be painful but with continued use, it will become virtually painless.
What Its Advantages Are
The epilator has a number of advantages. First, it is very efficient since it can pull out even the most invisible and the finest of these hairs, even those only as short as 0.5mm. These hairs are impossible to remove even with tweezers or waxing.
Secondly, there is no wet application of chemical such as in waxing so the use of the epilator is actually not a messy experience.
Thirdly, epilators that operate on battery or electrical power are basically easy to charge and takes a long time to use continually.
Fourthly, epilators are durable and portable and most of all they operate on the basis of precision, leaving no hair to grow for the next 2 to 4 weeks.
Who Should Use It
Women are the ones who should use it particularly those with unwanted hair on the arms, legs, face and underarms. These hairs are not socially acceptable in many situations and should either be hidden or shaved.
Epilators will do the trick and will make things particularly easy for any woman to use. Although men are not the primary users of epilators, they may want to use it to get rid of some fine hairs that they do not want to see on their bodies.
No matter who you are, if you have unwanted hairs on your body which you want out of sight, then the best thing to do is to get yourself a good epilator.
The most excellent epilators are those that can efficiently remove even the smallest hairs and will not let them grow back until a month. These epilators also conveniently operate with batteries or electricity, have variable speeds and have a long operation time even after a few minutes of charge.